Get More Series – Episode 3: Targeting Your Audience

Welcome back to our get more series for real estate agents. Number one was assess your brand, number two was supercharge your brand. So, number three would be make sure your audience is clearly specifically targeted throughout all your marketing. With that you need to be very strategic and specific. Pick one audience that you will market to in a neighborhood, and you can have multiple audiences. What I don’t understand is when people come to me and say “Market everyone that can buy a house” that’s not specific enough. You’re going to be wasting money on marketing pieces that will not return on your investment. Being clear on your audience and your target seems like a very restrictive exercise and you might be scared of losing on potential business. But you won’t, the more specific you’re going to be, the better results you’re going to get. So are you targeting first-time home buyers? young families? seniors? in what area? Once you have an exact profile of a person you’re targeting in a specific area you’re targeting you will see results. If you’re not sure about which target is yours or which you should focus on, let us know at Sold Right Away, we can help with creating your marketing strategy.