Get More Series – Episode 8: Leveraging Your Listings

Welcome back to our get more series. Previous episodes was all about strategies to market yourself and get more listings. Now let’s talk about leveraging your listings that you currently have. Once you have a listing it is very important to do open houses. Open houses will attract potential buyers and sellers that you might be marketing to in that neighborhood. If people are interested in that listing, either they live close by or decide on your marketing, either way it’s a successful way to get more listings. When you do have a listing it’s time to put on your second strategies, systems and procedures in place, that will market that listing to get you your next listing. Have the procedure, have the coming soon, if you have an exclusive agreement sign. Have the just listed strategy with your checklist of all the steps to market your just listed. Then market every single open house, market your neighbors open house, do a VIP one for just the neighbors just to come see the house, and they might be knowing someone who wants to move into the neighborhood, or it might be just themselves thinking about selling. Then market when it sells to just say just sold, and then market the closing as well so people in the area will think WOW this person is actually doing a lot of business, but it was just one listing. You’re doing a coming soon with an exclusive agreement sign, just listed, open house, VIP open house, just sold, and closing with definitely a testimonial from those sellers that’s a winning strategy.